Command line arguments

Coral is started through the coral script which passes on any arguments it has and runs the Coral jar file.

The following options can be specified on the command line:

command explanation
help Prints a help message and quits.
version Prints version information and quits.
start Starts the Coral platform.
user Adds and removes users from the platform.

The start command has the following options. These are not required, one can simply start the platform with coral start. When specified, they override options specified in configuration files.

option abbr. explanation example
configfile c The .conf configuration file to use.
Command line parameters override
configuration settings, which override the
default application.conf in turn.
--config "my.conf"
apiinterface ai The interface that the HTTP API listens to. -ai ""
apiport p The port that the HTTP API listens to. -ap 8000
akkahostname ah The interface that akka listens on. -ah ""
akkaport ap The port that akka uses for actor communication. -ap 2551
authenticationmode am The authentication mode to use. Can be “accept-all”, “deny-all”, “coral” or “ldap”. -am 'accept-all'
contactpoints ccp A list of ip addresses of cassandra seed nodes separated by a comma. -ccp ","
cassandraport cp The cassandra port to connect to. -cp 9042
keyspace k The Cassandra keyspace to connect with. -k "coral"
nocluster nc Run the node without attaching it to a cluster.
If specified, the seednodes option is ignored.
seednodes sn A list of Akka seed nodes to connect to. These must have the format “akka.tcp://coral@ip:port” where “port” is the IP address of the akka seed node and “port” the port that the seed node listens to. -sn "akka.tcp://

User command

The user command has two sub-commands:

command explanation
add Adds a user to the platform.
remove Remove a user from the platform.

Add user sub-command

The add sub-command has the following options:

option abbr. explanation example
contactpoints ccp A list of ip addresses of cassandra seed nodes separated by a comma. -ccp ","
cassandraport cp The cassandra port to connect to. -cp 9042
keyspace k The Cassandra keyspace to connect with. -k "coral"
uniquename n The unique name of the user. This is the login name of the user. -n "ab12cd"
fullname f The friendly, full name (first and last) of the user. -f "John Doe"
email e The e-mail address of the user. -e ""
mobile m The mobile phone number of the user -m "+31612345678"
department d The department of the user. -d "Department of business"

Remove user sub-command

The remove sub-command has the following options:

option abbr. explanation example
contactpoints ccp A list of ip addresses of cassandra seed nodes separated by a comma. -ccp ","
cassandraport cp The cassandra port to connect to. -cp 9042
keyspace k The Cassandra keyspace to connect with. -k "coral"
uniquename n The unique name of the user. This is the login name of the user. -n "ab12cd"