
The CassandraActor is a Coral Actor that enables communication with a Cassandra database. The actor receives queries in the trigger field and emits the results. All valid CQL queries can be executed, including creating keyspaces and inserting, deleting and updating values.

Creating a CassandraActor

The params value is a JSON object with the following fields:

field type required description
seeds List[String] yes A JSON list of the IP addresses of seed nodes.
keyspace String yes The name of the keyspace to connect to initially.
port Int no The port to connect to, when omitted default Cassandra port 9042 is used.
user String no The user name to connect to Cassandra.
password String no The password to connect to Cassandra.

The CassandraActor can process any valid CQL query. The keyspace will be connected to initially, but it can later be changed by sending the CassandraActor a “use keyspace” statement:

  "query": "use keyspace otherKeyspace;"

Creation example

  "type": "cassandra",
  "params": {
    "seeds": ["", ""],
    "keyspace": "coral",
    "port": 9042,
    "user": "admin",
    "password": "admin"

This will create a CassandraActor connecting to seed nodes and on port 9042, to keyspace “coral”, using user “admin” and password “admin”.


The CassandraActor receives the CQL statement in the query field of the trigger JSON.


    "query":"select * from testkeyspace.test1"


The CassandraActor does not emit its result to other actors, but instead should return the answer only to the caller. Thus, the CassandraActor can only be used with a collect procedure.

The answer that the CassandraActor returns is JSON, and looks as follows:

  "seeds" : [ "" ],
  "query" : "select * from keyspace.table",
  "success" : true,
  "data" : [ {
    "field1" : "66d61c3e-a1a0-46e4-b567-a84a8a052a2d",
    "field2" : true,
    "field3" : 42,
    "field4": 26.73

The CassandraActor automatically converts the result of the query into a JSON object. It converts each Cassandra data type to a JSON type as in the following table:

Cassandra type JSON type
ascii JString
bigint JInt
boolean JBool
int JInt
decimal JDecimal
double JDouble
float JDouble
text JString
varchar JString
varint JInt
timestamp JInt
uuid JString

An example of each of these data types is given below:

  "seeds" : [ "" ],
  "query" : "select * from keyspace.datatypes",
  "success": true,
  "data": [{
    "ascii": "some text",
    "bigint": 156395834234098,
    "boolean": true,
    "int": 42,
    "decimal": 5634.34,
    "double": 5634.34,
    "float": 5634.34,
    "text": "some text",
    "varchar": "some text",
    "varint": 42,
    "timestamp": 1451746530,
    "uuid": "f0223bb6-dfed-489d-8923-54a250aafe21"


The CassandraActor returns its state as follows:

field type description
connected boolean Whether there is still an active connection to the Cassandra database at the time of collecting the state.
keyspace String The name of the keyspace the actor is currently connected to.
schema Array A JSON representation of the schema of the keyspace currently connected to.

An example of a schema is as follows:

  "connected": true,
  "keyspace": "keyspacename",
  "schema": [{
    "table1": [
     { "column1": "text" },
     { "column2": "int" },
     { "column3": "float" }], 
    "table2": [
     { "col1": "float" },
     { "col2": "int" }]


The CassandraActor does not collect state from other actors.


The CassandraActor does not provide timer actions.