
The GeneratorActor is a Coral Actor that enables the generation of data based on a JSON input template. The JSON input template defines the fields and structure of the JSON object to emit, and the values of the JSON template define the distribution of the data to generate.

Creating a GeneratorActor

The creation JSON of the GeneratorActor (see Coral Actor) has type: "generator". The params value is a JSON with the following fields:

field type   description
format JObject required The object to return. The complete object will be returned as the top-level JSON object. The fields of the object define the function according to which the data is generated.
timer: rate Int required The number of objects to generate per second
timer: times Int optional The total number of objects to generate. After this number is reached, output is stopped.
timer: delay Int optional The number of milliseconds to wait until the first object is emitted. Not required, if no delay is given, a delay of 0 milliseconds is used.

The GeneratorActor currently has three different generator functions:

name format description example
Normal N(mu, sigma) Samples a value from the normal distribution as given by the mu (average) and sigma (standard deviation) parameters. N(100.2, 53.8)
Uniform U(max) Samples a value from a uniform distribution from 0 to max U(42)
List choice ['string','string','string'] Samples a value uniformly from any of the given string choices. ['a','b','c']

Creation example

  "data": {
      "type": "actors",
      "attributes": {
          "type": "generator",
          "params": {
              "format": {
                "field1": "N(100, 10)",
                "field2": "['a', 'b', 'c']",
                "field3": {
                   "nested1": "U(100)",
                   "nested2": "U(20.3)",
                   "nested3": "N(20.5, 5.2)"
              "timer": {
                "rate": 10,
                "times": 100,
                "delay": 1000

This will create a GeneratorActor that emits 10 objects per second, of which a couple of examples follow:

  "field1": 82.85,
  "field2": "a",
  "field3": {
     "nested1": 57.42,
     "nested2": 4.75,
     "nested3": 18.97

Next, the following object may be emitted:

  "field1": 113.45,
  "field2": "b",
  "field3": {
     "nested1": 25.18,
     "nested2": 12.8,
     "nested3": 17.85

Because delay is set to 1000 milliseconds, it waits 1 second before emitting the first object. When it has emitted 100 objects, it stops.


The GeneratorActor is not triggered by external events, but rather generates data autonomously.


The GeneratorActor emits data based on the rate parameter. When rate == 10, it emits an object every 100 milliseconds.


The state of the GeneratorActor returns the following fields:

field type description
rate JObject The number of objects per second that will be emitted.
times Int The maximum number of objects to emit.
delay Int The number of milliseconds that the actor has waited before emitting the first object.
format Int The format that was specified in the constructor.
count Int The total number of objects emitted until now.


The GeneratorActor does not collect state from other actors.


The GeneratorActor periodically emits data.