
The ZscoreActor (Z-score actor) is a Coral Actor that determines whether or not a value from an event is an outlier. The statistics actor state is used for the average and standard deviation of the measurement value.

Creating the actor

The ZscoreActor has type: "zscore". The params value is a JSON with a single field:

field type required description
by string yes the name of the grouping field
field string yes the name of measurement field
score float yes the value of the threshold for outliers


  "type": "zscore",
  "params": {
    "by": "tag",
    "field": "amount",
    "score" : 6.0

This will create a Z-score component monitoring the amount field. If the amount is more than 6 standard deviations away from the mean, the object is emitted.

Note that this actor implicitly assumes that the data is normally distributed. You can still use this actor if your data is not normally distributed, but we are not sure how the result should be interpreted in that case.


The ZscoreActor accepts as trigger a JSON with a value for the specified field.


The ZscoreActor emits the input but only when the value is considered an outlier.


The ZscoreActor keeps no state.


The ZscoreActor collects state from the StatsActor for the field it monitors. The count, average and standard deviation values are used to determine whether or not the trigger value is an outlier.


The ZscoreActor does not provide timer actions.