Get platform settings

Shows platform-wide settings.


JSON output

  "": {
    "akka": {
      "loggers": ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"],
      "loglevel": "info",
      "actor": {
        "provider": "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
    }, "coral": {
      "log-level": "INFO",
      "api": {
        "interface": "",
        "port": 8000
      }, "akka": {
        "hostname": "",
        "port": 2551
      }, "distributor": {
        "mode": "local"
      }, "cassandra": {
        "contact-points": [""],
        "keyspace": "coral",
        "port": 9042,
        "user-table": "users",
        "runtime-table": "runtimes",
        "authorize-table": "auth",
        "journal-table": "journal",
        "snapshot-table": "snapshots"
      }, "cluster": {
        "enabled": false

The example JSON result shows the settings per machine (IP address/port pair). In this setup, cluster mode is disabled (the JVM is started with the nc option). However, the actor provider is still ClusterActorRefProvider. This is the default behavior, even when cluster mode is disabled, actors are still internally referenced by their cluster identifiers.

The HTTP API accepts connections on all interfaces on port 8000. Akka listens to port 2551 for actor traffic, and the IP address “” contains a Cassandra instance. Coral uses the Akka port and Akka IP address to identify nodes, which are different from the interface and ports of the HTTP API.